
As a privately financed venture capital investor with flexible long-term capital, we are looking for exceptional founders who are committed to building category leaders over 5-10+ years.

We invest in early-stage technology ventures with a focus on energy & climate, fintech, enterprise infrastructure, generative ai, cybersecurity, healthcare, and enterprise application. Picus predominantly makes initial investments in Pre-Seed, Seed and Series A ventures.

We follow a very long-term investment approach investing significant amounts throughout the lifecycle of a company. Our culture combines the discipline of a financial investor with the creativity and pragmatism of an entrepreneur. We have invested in over 170 companies to date.

 2015  Founded in icon
Founded in
 170 + Investments icon
 20 + Countries icon
 9  Offices icon
 50  Team Members icon
Team Members

Our Investment Approach

Pre-Seed Investing

We are the lifelong sparring partner for entrepreneurs from the early days onwards – no matter whether the path is already clear or to be defined: From discussing new markets, opportunities & trends to sharing feedback & insights and finetune existing concepts. We create a unique environment for an iterative sparring process and offer value-adding support structures throughout various dimensions.

Seed & Series A Investing

Seed & Series A investing to us means to partner with exceptional founding teams who pursue daring technology business models in massive markets. Our value proposition goes far beyond pure capital commitments. By becoming one of the closest partners of our portfolio companies and by leveraging our industry and functional expertise, network access and HR support, we help to bring ventures to the next level and create a foundation for accelerated growth with the ambition to build international category leaders.

Our Vision

Empowering entrepreneurs to reimagine the way we live and work.

Our Mission

Picus works together with daring technology companies that are challenging the status quo and shaping tomorrow.

Why Picus?

Your Lifelong Entrepreneurial Sparring Partner

Our unique, privately-financed structure allows us to not only think like an entrepreneur but also invest like one: long-term and without any restrictions – from day one to IPO and beyond. We are not constrained by fund lifecycles, exit horizons or investment areas but are rather able to invest in any founder team, idea, and geography that excites us. It's all about the founders and the fundamental business opportunity. Therefore, we have very aligned incentives with, and the mindset of a founder, which is why we are able to engage with entrepreneurs as early as before the foundation of their companies without any constraints.

Your Partner for Building Exceptional Teams

We are convinced that the most successful ventures are the ones that are able to hire and retain the best talent. To build a global category leader it's not enough to have rockstar founders and a stellar C-Level, but it requires finding, attracting, hiring and retaining AAA talents throughout the entire organization. Therefore, Picus runs its own HR department with extensive experience in bringing on board world-class management talent across different functions and management seniorities. Our entire firm - from interns to partners – supports portfolio companies with active recruiting and with valuable insights in how to set up scalable recruiting structures which also deliver results.

Your Industry & Functional Expert

All of our team members have a distinctive industry competence or functional focus. We work closely together with portfolio companies to develop large and successful market leaders by leveraging our expertise and providing strategic advice. We consolidate and share best-in-class knowledge from other cutting-edge technology and facilitate global connectivity between our partner & expert networks and our founders.

Your Internationalization Partner

Our global presence with investments across the world and offices on three different continents makes us a perfect partner for your international aspirations. We observe and learn from global technology trends occurring in different geographies at different points in time and deliver valuable insights to our portfolio companies. Having set up offices on multiple continents, we can guide you through the most efficient process, from filing required applications to hiring key members in a new geography. With our global and local networks, we can also connect you to first potential customers, partners and the local venture & investor ecosystem.

Your Fundraising Multiplier

Our early-stage investment philosophy allows us to work closely with the best and most relevant investors in the world to lead investments in your later, larger financing rounds. While we keep on investing, we introduce our portfolio companies to a broad network of well suited investors throughout all company stages and across geographies. We are convinced that building the best companies requires the best investors, which is why Picus is proud to have built close relationships with the majority of the global top-tier investors – from venture capitalists, family offices, private equity firms to institutional players for both equity and debt.

Your B2B Access Point

We make customer introductions that matter! Our strong network of businesses and business leaders across a broad range of industries and geographies allows us to do so. We leverage our trusted relationships to establish valuable connections between our portfolio companies and startups, SMEs, and large corporations. The connections may be relevant to win (first) customers, to expand & scale existing client accounts, or to form strategic partnerships. By providing access to our thriving and diverse network we deliver immediate impact to our portfolio firms.

Your Seasoned IPO Specialist

Our global team has tremendous experience in planning, structuring and executing IPOs with more than 10 IPOs and 2 direct listings successfully supported over the past decade. We support our portfolio companies in evaluating the appropriate timing, structure and advisor / bookrunner selection ahead of a potential IPO – including but not limited to primary vs. secondary capital structure considerations, valuation and pricing expectations, listing venues and the advisor RFP process. The Picus team will also help portfolio companies with their post-IPO readiness, incorporating reporting standards & investor relation functions, building a public company board structure and managing expectations of a public shareholder base.

Your Sustainability Partner

We are driven by the quest for ten billion people living sustainably on our planet. Therefore, all our investments need to have a positive impact on society as such - whether it's about making HR management for SMEs more efficient to allow them to spend less time with burdensome HR processes and more time with their customers (Personio), about providing the African population with affordable healthcare insurance leveraging technology (Reliance HMO), or about bringing renewable energy solutions to the mass market in a cost-efficient structure (Enpal).

Our Values

One Picus

We pursue one shared mission

We work globaly across functions

We empower each other in our work

Loyal Family

We build upon strong relationships

We are partners in good and bad times

We care about you not only your work

Entrepreneurs at Heart

We act as entrepreneurial sparring partners

We challenge the status quo proactively

We solve problems unconventionally

Lasting Impact

We consider our actions' implications

We invest thesis-driven for the long-term

We unite behind sustainable solutions and positive impact

Strive for Excellent Outcomes

We value outstanding commitment and talent

We unleash everyone's full potential

We believe in a caring meritocracy